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nmap – Cheat Sheet


Nmap steht für „Network Mapper“ und wird vornehmlich für die Netzwerkerkennung und Sicherheitsüberwachung verwendet. Ich finde es auch nützlich für Aufgaben wie Netzwerkinventarisierung, Verwalten von Service-Upgrade-Zeitplänen SNMP discovery und Überwachen der Host- oder Service-Verfügbarkeiten.

Nicht vergessen: nmap unter Linux immer mit root Rechten ausführen.




sudo apt install -y nmap



Port scanning

Schneller scan

nmap -Pn stackoverflow.com

Gesamter TCP Port Scan inclusive Service/Version (-sV) Erkennung

nmap -p 1-65535 -Pn -sV -sS -T4 stackoverflow.com

Scanen eines bestimmten Ports

nmap -Pn -p 22,80,443 stackoverflow.com

Finde Linux Geräte in einem localen Netzwerk (anhand dem offenen ssh Port)

nmap -p 22 --open -sV

Trace traffic

Nachverfolgung eines Verkehrs auf einem bestimmten Port.

nmap --traceroute -p 80 stackoverflow.com

Nachverfolgung inclusive auflösung der Geolocation

nmap --traceroute --script traceroute-geolocation.nse -p 80 stackoverflow.com

SSL Server Zertifikat

Anzeigen des SSL Zertifikats

nmap --script ssl-cert -p 443 -Pn stackoverflow.com

Anzeigen der verwendeten Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen

nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 stackoverflow.com

Brute Force

„FTP“ Brute Force

nmap --script ftp-brute --script-args userdb=users.txt,passdb=passwords.txt -p 21 -Pn stackoverflow.com

„HTTP Basic Authentication“ – Brute force

nmap --script http-brute -script-args http-brute.path=/evifile-bb-demo,userdb=users.txt,passdb=passwords.txt -p 80 -Pn stackoverflow.com

„WordPress“ Bruteforce

nmap -sV --script http-wordpress-brute --script-args userdb=users.txt,passdb=passwords.txt,http-wordpress-brute.hostname=stackoverflow.com,http-wordpress-brute.threads=10 -p 80 stackoverflow.com


Schwachstellen im sicheren Modus finden

nmap --script default,safe -Pn stackoverflow.com

Schwachstellen im unsicheren Modus finden

nmap --script vuln -Pn stackoverflow.com

DDos Attacke ausführen

nmap --script dos -Pn stackoverflow.com

Erkannte Sicherheitslücken ausnutzen

nmap --script exploit -Pn stackoverflow.com

Interessante Infos auf anderen Seiten

Eine gut ausgearbeitete Liste von NMAP NSE Scripts gibt es hier:


Alle Parameter

Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org )
Usage: nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification}
  Can pass hostnames, IP addresses, networks, etc.
  Ex: scanme.nmap.org, microsoft.com/24,; 10.0.0-255.1-254
  -iL <inputfilename>: Input from list of hosts/networks
  -iR <num hosts>: Choose random targets
  --exclude <host1[,host2][,host3],...>: Exclude hosts/networks
  --excludefile <exclude_file>: Exclude list from file
  -sL: List Scan - simply list targets to scan
  -sn: Ping Scan - disable port scan
  -Pn: Treat all hosts as online -- skip host discovery
  -PS/PA/PU/PY[portlist]: TCP SYN/ACK, UDP or SCTP discovery to given ports
  -PE/PP/PM: ICMP echo, timestamp, and netmask request discovery probes
  -PO[protocol list]: IP Protocol Ping
  -n/-R: Never do DNS resolution/Always resolve [default: sometimes]
  --dns-servers <serv1[,serv2],...>: Specify custom DNS servers
  --system-dns: Use OS's DNS resolver
  --traceroute: Trace hop path to each host
  -sS/sT/sA/sW/sM: TCP SYN/Connect()/ACK/Window/Maimon scans
  -sU: UDP Scan
  -sN/sF/sX: TCP Null, FIN, and Xmas scans
  --scanflags <flags>: Customize TCP scan flags
  -sI <zombie host[:probeport]>: Idle scan
  -sO: IP protocol scan
  -b <FTP relay host>: FTP bounce scan
  -p <port ranges>: Only scan specified ports
    Ex: -p22; -p1-65535; -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080,S:9
  --exclude-ports <port ranges>: Exclude the specified ports from scanning
  -F: Fast mode - Scan fewer ports than the default scan
  -r: Scan ports consecutively - don't randomize
  --top-ports <number>: Scan <number> most common ports
  --port-ratio <ratio>: Scan ports more common than <ratio>
  -sV: Probe open ports to determine service/version info
  --version-intensity <level>: Set from 0 (light) to 9 (try all probes)
  --version-light: Limit to most likely probes (intensity 2)
  --version-all: Try every single probe (intensity 9)
  --version-trace: Show detailed version scan activity (for debugging)
  -sC: equivalent to --script=default
  --script=<Lua scripts>: <Lua scripts> is a comma separated list of
           directories, script-files or script-categories
  --script-args=<n1=v1,[n2=v2,...]>: provide arguments to scripts
  --script-args-file=filename: provide NSE script args in a file
  --script-trace: Show all data sent and received
  --script-updatedb: Update the script database.
  --script-help=<Lua scripts>: Show help about scripts.
           <Lua scripts> is a comma-separated list of script-files or
  -O: Enable OS detection
  --osscan-limit: Limit OS detection to promising targets
  --osscan-guess: Guess OS more aggressively
  Options which take <time> are in seconds, or append 'ms' (milliseconds),
  's' (seconds), 'm' (minutes), or 'h' (hours) to the value (e.g. 30m).
  -T<0-5>: Set timing template (higher is faster)
  --min-hostgroup/max-hostgroup <size>: Parallel host scan group sizes
  --min-parallelism/max-parallelism <numprobes>: Probe parallelization
  --min-rtt-timeout/max-rtt-timeout/initial-rtt-timeout <time>: Specifies
      probe round trip time.
  --max-retries <tries>: Caps number of port scan probe retransmissions.
  --host-timeout <time>: Give up on target after this long
  --scan-delay/--max-scan-delay <time>: Adjust delay between probes
  --min-rate <number>: Send packets no slower than <number> per second
  --max-rate <number>: Send packets no faster than <number> per second
  -f; --mtu <val>: fragment packets (optionally w/given MTU)
  -D <decoy1,decoy2[,ME],...>: Cloak a scan with decoys
  -S <IP_Address>: Spoof source address
  -e <iface>: Use specified interface
  -g/--source-port <portnum>: Use given port number
  --proxies <url1,[url2],...>: Relay connections through HTTP/SOCKS4 proxies
  --data <hex string>: Append a custom payload to sent packets
  --data-string <string>: Append a custom ASCII string to sent packets
  --data-length <num>: Append random data to sent packets
  --ip-options <options>: Send packets with specified ip options
  --ttl <val>: Set IP time-to-live field
  --spoof-mac <mac address/prefix/vendor name>: Spoof your MAC address
  --badsum: Send packets with a bogus TCP/UDP/SCTP checksum
  -oN/-oX/-oS/-oG <file>: Output scan in normal, XML, s|<rIpt kIddi3,
     and Grepable format, respectively, to the given filename.
  -oA <basename>: Output in the three major formats at once
  -v: Increase verbosity level (use -vv or more for greater effect)
  -d: Increase debugging level (use -dd or more for greater effect)
  --reason: Display the reason a port is in a particular state
  --open: Only show open (or possibly open) ports
  --packet-trace: Show all packets sent and received
  --iflist: Print host interfaces and routes (for debugging)
  --append-output: Append to rather than clobber specified output files
  --resume <filename>: Resume an aborted scan
  --stylesheet <path/URL>: XSL stylesheet to transform XML output to HTML
  --webxml: Reference stylesheet from Nmap.Org for more portable XML
  --no-stylesheet: Prevent associating of XSL stylesheet w/XML output
  -6: Enable IPv6 scanning
  -A: Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute
  --datadir <dirname>: Specify custom Nmap data file location
  --send-eth/--send-ip: Send using raw ethernet frames or IP packets
  --privileged: Assume that the user is fully privileged
  --unprivileged: Assume the user lacks raw socket privileges
  -V: Print version number
  -h: Print this help summary page.
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